Looking for a manual to set up a translation project

I noticed that in addition to community Review Scripture Forge also lets you set up a translation project, and I would like to find out how to do this. (and if this is what suits my needs)

What I am really looking for is collaborative editing: I have a review team in a displaced location, they don’t have Paratext (yet). Until they have a computer with Paratext and are trained enough to be comfortable using it, I thought to set them up on Scripture Forge.
The people have internet access and are comfortable using the internet.
They will review individual books that are already drafted. It would be ideal if they could edit the text directly rather than adding comments only.
So I experimented with setting up a “translation” project rather than community checking project in order to figure out if it would work for our needs. I was not able to do it without more explicit instructions, and my test project is now stuck without me being able to even delete it :slight_smile:
So - can an SF translation project be used be used for the purpose I described? And if yes how do I set it up?