About Scriptoria

Scriptoria helps you publish your apps and keep them updated every time the Scripture App Builder software is improved. You provide the service with your app project data and it will build and publish the app to the Google Play store for you.

Scriptoria is the next generation of the Scripture App Publishing Service. The first version of the service was limited to Wycliffe members and could only publish to the Wycliffe Google Play store. In April 2019, Scriptoria was released and allowed multiple organizations to publish apps to multiple Google Play Store accounts as well as publishing to an Amazon S3 Bucket (for access by websites). Scriptoria was extended to support Reading App Builder and Dictionary App Builder as well. It was further extended to allow publishing PWA and HTML to cloud storage providers

Scriptoria is intended to be used by organizations who have multiple apps that they have to manage and keep updated. The system is designed to be flexible and be customized (by the Scriptoria developers) to meet different publishing needs. To request access to Scriptoria, please fill the Request Organization Invite form.

Scriptoria Links

Home Page
Help Guide
Installing Android Apps For Testing
New Organizations

Creating a Google Play API Key
Project Import
Publishing Properties

Workflow Diagrams

Android App to Google Play
Android App to Google Play (Low Admin)
Android App to Google Play (Owner Admin)
Android App to Amazon S3 Bucket
Android App to Amazon S3 Bucket (No Admin)
HTML to Cloud
PWA to Cloud

What Belongs Here

This forum is a place where we can help and encourage each other with everything related to Scriptoria and publishing apps.

Announcements about updates to the Scriptoria service will be posted here, especially what version of Scripture App Builder, Reading App Builder, and Dictionary App Builder are being used by Scriptoria.

Participating via email

If you’d like to receive emails from these discussions, click on your user icon in the top right, click on preferences (gear icon), and see the email settings. To start a new topic via email, email to scripture_software_community+scriptoria@sil.org.

We know that some of our colleagues have poor or expensive internet access. Therefore we also allow anyone to ask questions simply by emailing to scripture_software_community+scriptoria@sil.org. They don’t even need to create an account first.