Android App building stacks at "Writing Fonts" in my windows pc

I need help please. Am using 12.3 version

It is a bit hard to say what the problem could be. This isn’t your first app so you were able to build other apps before? Is this an update to an app that you built successfully before? Are you using the latest Android SDK for API 34?

Of course,this isnt my first app. the the previous version of the same app were successful and all my tools are uptodate!

There may be an error while writing the project before starting the build.

Select the Tools > View Logs … and reply back here with the text of the Error log tab. You can select the text in the text window and copy / paste.


The Error log tab appear to be empty with only the dates.

Please submit a ticket at Get Help - Scripture App Builder and attach a copy of your project (zip up the folder that has the .appDef file).


I have done that, let me wait for the feedback


I looked at the attachment. It only has the .appDef file. Please include both the BIBLIA TAFSIRI MBALIMBALI.appDef file and the BIBLIA TAFSIRI MBALIMBALI_data folder.

You should be able to update the issue with a zip file of these files.



I have updated the files…


I downloaded your project. I was able to build it. It didn’t get stuck on “Writing Fonts” for me. I noticed that there are a lot of book collections. It generated a 101MB APK.

What computer operating system and version are you using? How much memory do you have?

I am on a Mac and I watched the memory usage. SAB (the app) used 4.5GB and the java process that ran to build the app took almost 4GB.
