Apps not loading in SAB 12.3

When I upgraded from SAB 12.0 to 12.3 all my apps except 2 refused to load. No idea why.

Restart SAB, try to load one of the projects giving you trouble, then select Tools > View Logs … and report back what the output is in the Error log.


Thanks! The problem seems to be that the .appdef files for those apps that refuse to load in SAB contain content judging from their file size, but will not open in NotePad. The error log for them does not recognise them at all.

When you say they won’t open in Notepad, does Notepad give an error or…?
What size are the .appDefs? Normally, they’re a couple of hundred Kbytes. And when you say the error log doesn’t recognize them, I assume that means you try to open them using “Open app…” and SAB doesn’t do anything. Is that right? Is there anything at all in the log you can see?
Can you email me one of your appDefs to check out ( or even share one of the projects on Drive for me to look at?