Audio Clips won't play HELP

These clips play ok on the app builder book Viewer tab, but when the app is installed they won’t play. Is the syntax correct? Is there a size limit on clips? These files are packaged as assets in the app and listed on the audio clips tab, but won’t play. The Scripture audio plays fine. -Roger Green

You can download the project here

\id XXD Khamti Song list
\mt1 ꩬ︀မ︀်မ︀ႃတ︀ြႃး Songs
\p [1 က︀ျေးꩡ︀ူးၸ︀ြႃး ဢ︀ꩫ︀်ႈၵ︀ိူင︀်ႈꩫ︀ီႈဢ︀ၢမ︀်း](001 က︀ျေးꩡ︀ူးၸ︀ြႃး ဢ︀ꩫ︀်ႈၵ︀ိူင︀်ႈꩫ︀ီႈဢ︀ၢမ︀်း.mp3)
\p [2 က︀ျေးꩡ︀ူးၸ︀ြႃးယ︀ႂ်လ︀ူင︀်](002 က︀ျေးꩡ︀ူးၸ︀ြႃးယ︀ႂ်လ︀ူင︀်.mp3)
\p [3 တ︀ၢင︀်းက︀ေႛၵ︀ျွတ︀်ႉ က︀ူႈက︀ူဝ်ႇꩭႂ်ႛတ︀ွင︀်း](003 တ︀ၢင︀်းက︀ေႛၵ︀ျွတ︀်ႉ က︀ူႈက︀ူဝ်ႇꩭႂ်ႛတ︀ွင︀်း.mp3)
\p [4 မ︀ိူင︀်းၸ︀ြႃး](004 မ︀ိူင︀်းၸ︀ြႃး.mp3)
\p [5 ယ︀ူဝ်းယ︀ွင︀်ႛက︀ျေးꩡ︀ူးၸ︀ြႃး](005 ယ︀ူဝ်းယ︀ွင︀်ႛက︀ျေးꩡ︀ူးၸ︀ြႃး.mp3)
\p [6 လ︀ေႃးက︀ꩡ︀ူမ︀်းပ︀ိဝ်](006 လ︀ေႃးက︀ꩡ︀ူမ︀်းပ︀ိဝ်.mp3)
\p [7 ꩡ︀ဝ်ႛယ︀ေꩬ︀ု ꩭၢင︀်းꩭဝ်းၵ︀ၢမ︀်တ︀ႆ︀ၢႈယ︀ဝ်ႇ](007 ꩡ︀ဝ်ႛယ︀ေꩬ︀ု ꩭၢင︀်းꩭဝ်းၵ︀ၢမ︀်တ︀ႆ︀ၢႈယ︀ဝ်ႇ.mp3)
\p [8 ꩡ︀ဝ်ႛယ︀ေꩬ︀ုꩫ︀ိပ︀်ပ︀ွက︀်ႉယ︀ဝ်ႇ](008 ꩡ︀ဝ်ႛယ︀ေꩬ︀ုꩫ︀ိပ︀်ပ︀ွက︀်ႉယ︀ဝ်ႇ.mp3)
\p [9 ꩡ︀ိမ︀်းလ︀ႅမ︀်းလ︀ႃး](009 ꩡ︀ိမ︀်းလ︀ႅမ︀်းလ︀ႃး.mp3)

I might be wrong, but I would try to use simpler file names. Perhaps the app can’t handle the spaces and the Burmese script (correct?) in the file names. Try Latin or just numbers like 001.mp3

Thank You, Thank You. How Smart you are Friedo!!! changing the file name to 001.mp3 fixed it. Not sure if it was spaces or Burmese font, but just because it renders ok does not mean SAB can process it. This was very odd since the files did play correctly in the APP builder View tab.

I hope this limitation can be included in the SAB documentation. Name all audio clip files with only latín letters and numbers. --rg

Your’re welcome, I’m glad it worked!