Audio highlighting consistently 1s ahead of timing file

The timing in the app’s audio highlighting and video construction is about 1s ahead of the timing file. When I check the file by hand, or with the fine-tuning feature, the synchronisation is fine. In the app, the highlighting is about 1s in advance of this. This makes the video feature unusable.
SAB 8.1 [Windows]
I’ve tried this on 2 devices: Android 9, and Android 6.01 - and the problem is the same.

Any help appreciated - I’d like to launch this update with all the features if I can.

[Sorry if this is a repost - I tried to post this yesterday but didn’t see it on the forum today]

Could you share the project and some of the audio (via Google Drive or Dropbox or some file sharing service) with me? Please send me an email at chris underscore hubbard at sil dot org.


Thanks Chris - I hope you’ve got these by now. I did find that if I included audio files in the APK they were synchronised correctly, though that would only work for a few starter chapters. I’m using FCBH to host them online.

Hello @Phil_M,

I did get your emails. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday looking at this and was working on a response (sent today). My main question is:

What collections and what books are you seeing this issue? You sent me audio for Matt 1-3. I listened to the first 5-6 verses of each chapter and didn’t see any problems.


Thanks for your work on this Chris.
As I mentioned offline - I found the problem. FCBH modified the audio files when they hosted them, and added a delay at the start. (We did the recordings ourselves, rather than FCBH.) I’ll need to adjust the timing files appropriately.