Bible plans - translation of days of the week

I noticed that there are lots of interface terms in SAB that come with the Bible Plan feature. However, I don’t see a place to enter the days of the week. There is a page in the Bible Plan setup that lets the user set the days of the week they want to read the plan. It appears as if the translations are automatically retrieved from the Android system (or Google…?) I’m just wondering what happens if I do the Bible plan interface in a minority language and want to use the days of the week in a language that isn’t available throught the system. Can they be set manually?

Thanks for this suggestion. Yes, the weekday names are coming from the system. In the next version of SAB, it will be possible to customise the names for other interface languages.

Excellent @richard, thanks!

@Friedo Please try this out in SAB 12.2 and let us know if it works as you would expect. Thanks!

@richard Thanks, the days of the week and also the months work.
I have another problem with Bible plans and I assumed it was related to these translations but apparently it isn’t:
The app always crashes for me on older Android versioins, e.g. Android 9 and 7. Whenever I open the Bible plan, as soon as I want to start setting it up, the app crashes. I tested it on emulators. Could you look into this perhaps?

@Friedo I have tested Plans on an Android 7 device and it works, so there is likely to be something project-specific. Please can you send me your project to investigate. Thanks!