Bible reading Checklist (code included)

There are already reading plans that are able to be used. This uses a more at your pace kind of a plan. There are a lot of programs that already do this on Google play.

This basically is checkmarks for every chapter of the Bible. It saves automatically and can also be exported or imported.

There is also a perl script that automatically translates all of the Bible into whatever language is desired (using usfm files). The resulting file is a standalone html page that can be added to an app.

View a live demo: Bible Reading Tracker
English version: Bible Reading Tracker
Perl script:

It would be nice to able to include it into the Bible APP however currently the html viewer on SAB doesn’t seem to support the scripting.

Thank you for sharing this, @Johnny_Turkmani.

Scripture App Builder has a Bible Reading Plan feature (see Engagement > Plans), so it would probably work better to use this since it would be more integrated with the Scripture text. Users can choose whether to assign dates to readings, or to go at their own pace.