Bloom book with highlighting and audio in SAB

I am wondering if anyone’s had success with taking a Bloom book that has audio and highlighting and putting into RAB or SAB and making it into its own app?

We have a particularly large book that takes a really long time to open in Bloom Reader and I am trying to do this but the highlighting doesn’t seem to be coming along into the app that SAB builds.
Any advice?

Hi, I had to ditch the bloomd source file .
“You can now export a Bloom book to Excel spreadsheet format in a way that preserves text and images” [Version 5.2.3 2022-07-29 ]
Using the exported spreadsheet from Bloom, I copied and pasted the text to Word and used that for the Picture Story book in SAB. For audio, the audio per story was used ( had to redo the synching of text and audio ) and the pictures from the bloomd source file were also used.

Additional update to this question from 8 months ago:
the Bloom Readers developers also made improvements a few months ago to their software such that large books like mine no longer take such a long time to open in the app when I build it with Bloom Reader within SAB. Thank you Bloom Reader team!