I m from Burma, trying to create Bible in my language.
I m stucked while I tried to follow instructions, for windows,
What is SDK folder? I can not create a new sdk folder, therefore I can’t download additional SDK packages.
Please help, I m just novice.
Saw edison
SDK folder by defalut is in C:\Users<user-name>\AppData\Local\Android . And the AppData folder is hidden in windows. Enable show hidden files in folder option, and give a look inside that. … otherwise you can check by opening Android SDK Manager - top left under SDK path.
Thank you. I appreciate your help. Let me try it and keep posted.
I am still couldn’t install Android SDK packages inorder to proceed. Please help!
I tried to install comonline tools for android sdk, I follow the instruction manual, I am stucked when I try to install additional sdk packages . It is saying, my android sdk location is not valid. I can’t go any further. Please help.