Chapter and Verse numbers don't work in navigation

I’ve just built a new release of the Bhutanese “Dzongkha Bible” app. In this release I used the “Change” tab for the book so that all Arabic (English) numbers (as used in Paratext) get changed to Dzongkha numbers.

When I built the app, the chapter breaks no longer work. Now every book is listed as having one chapter and one verse. There’s no way to jump to a different chapter.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

If I remember correct, the USFM standard expects Latin numbers after \c and after \v. In other words, I think if you change those numbers you’ll break anything that relies on the USFM definition.

As far as I know, the ‘correct’ way to deal with this is to add a \cp or \vp line after the \c or \v one, with the numbers written in the correct script. I can’t think of an easy way of doing that using SAB’s Changes tab, but maybe someone else can.

If they can’t, then I’d recommend editing the original files. I’ve written python scripts to do that before, but once again, someone else might have a better idea.

Hi @mjames Is it possible to share that python script you’ve written? I would like to add the \cp and \vp lines.

Actually, I just found a comment on GitHub (Numeral System for Scripture Display · Issue #473 · sillsdev/appbuilder-pwa · GitHub) that shows how to make this change. Since Dzongkha uses a Tibetan script, I can just use what’s built in at Books > {Book Collection} > Styles > Numeral System! :partying_face: