Crioulo, Upper Guinea SAB?

Does anyone know if the portuguese creole version of the NT that is listed in YouVersion as Crioulo, Upper Guinea has a SAB app on the play store? If not, does anyone has information about who to contact at Wycliffe Global Alliance to see about creating a SAB for this language?

@MarkW an app already exists here:

More resources for this language can be found at the Scripture Earth website here: Scripture Earth: Scripture Resources in Thousands of Languages

Hope this helps!

Thanks, David! That is what I was hoping for. Now, do you know if the audio is available in SAB? Mark

Hi Mark,

I literally just posted this app for a new app developer in training under Andrew Shafe. The developer is Cutsau Nhuta. There is no audio in the app. you could try contacting Cutsau using his name with no separators at I’ll let him know about a possible contact regarding his app.

Dan Neville (DNev)

Thanks, Dan, I just wrote to Cutsau on gmail. It would be very helpful for a team I oversee to have the synched audio included in the app.


I wrote to and the gmail response was “550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient’s email address for typos or unnecessary spaces.”

I might have spelled it wrong? Thanks for any suggestions.


Hi Mark,

I think you are missing an “n” before the “h”. Here is the email copy/pasted:

I did let Cutsau know of your inquiry and received a reply. I think it would be better to post that to you privately as I did not understand exactly what was conveyed nor am I sure Cutsau would want it posted to a general forum. I will copy / paste this message back to him as well as let him know you are attempting to contact him. You may want to wait to see if I can send you his reply to my letting him know of the interest in his app.
