When I choose “Export” in Glyssen, it highlights my existing file, but I don’t see where I type in a file name for the export.
Glyssen version 6.1.4.
When I choose “Export” in Glyssen, it highlights my existing file, but I don’t see where I type in a file name for the export.
This does seem confusing, but I believe what is happening is that when you click on Share > Export, Glyssen creates or updates the share file listed. This is the file you could share with someone else.
Maybe it would be better to rename the menu - Show exported file.
To export for HearThis or to a spreadsheet you would use the View Recording Script > Export options.
In most cases, exporting will be creating the file. It is relatively rare (though possible) to re-export, in which case it overwrites the existing glyssenshare file. To keep things simple (?), we didn’t make a way to choose a name or location since the intent of this was to be able to share Glyssen project in a way that it could be imported easily on a different computer.
As Phil points out, this is different from a “glyssenscript” file, which is what you want if you plan to record in HearThis.