Firebase Push Notifications - Help with implementation / documentation

Hi all,

We are having trouble implementing and looking for documentation and/or assistance. It seems that Firebase may have made some changes since the release.

There are now two options within the Firebase “Grow” section: Cloud Messaging (General OS Notification messages) and In-App Messaging . We’ve tried both without success.

  1. Which one of these is SAB designed to support - Cloud Messaging or In-App Messaging (or both)?

  2. Can you help with the implementation?

For Cloud Messaging we set up a campaign to send to all users of our demo app version (1 user). The user never received the message notification.

There are some settings options, but we are sure where this data would/should go.

We’ve also tried In-App Messaging with the following format sending to the same demo app version without success.


I looked at the code and it is Firebase Cloud Messaging.

I was able to successfully send a message.

  1. I created a project in Firebase
  2. I added an app to the project using the package name that is in the SAB Project.
  3. I downloaded the google-services.json file from Firebase (note that this includes all apps in a project–I made sure the json had only the app for the project).
  4. I added the google-service.json file to my SAB project
  5. I rebuilt the app, installed it on a test phone, and ran the app
  6. I went into Firebase and sent a message

The message was received by the test phone almost immediately.

Hope this helps,

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sorry Chris, tried that didnt work too, any suggestions?

Chris and Francoz,

I’ve tried is with two separate apps and I think it only worked maybe once out of ten times I tried. I followed the steps and on Firebase tried both cloud based and in app messaging and nothing is coming over. This would be a VERY nice feature. I will keep digging.

@francoz & @O_Dev - Do you have multiple apps inside one Firebase Project?

I also experienced same issue when I had multiple apps inside one Firebase project. At times the cloud notifications won’t deliver.

But, when I tried with the project which have only one app - the push notification went through every time.

I am not sure whether it will be applicable in your case too.

Cloud messaging is the option. Start with a fresh download something the json file corrupt some easily.