Footnote Symbol Choices

What are the options for footnote symbols?

I looks (to me) like you can either have “a, b, c, d…” (not ideal for texts in non-latin scripts) or a single symbol that you can choose, but it doesn’t ‘count up’ in the same way as the abcd, but rather is a static symbol that’s the same every time.

Is that right? Either abcd or a static symbol?

  1. Is it possible to do numerals? “1, 2, 3, 4…” ?
  2. How about Arabic or Persian numerals? “۴ ۳ ۲ ۱” ?
  3. Can you have a symbol and then numbers, like “؂۴ ؂۳ ؂۲ ؂۱” ?

Our first choice would be to have symbol and then numbers that count up (3), or, failing that, counting up Persian numerals (2). I know there’s no obvious way to do these, but it is it possible at all?

Under Features > Links
Change Footnote Caller from Default to Custom Symbol

I think you just need a space separated list.

Hmmm… It doesn’t seem to work for me:

Footnote Settings

Any other suggestions? Maybe there’s a problem with right-to-left text and the spaces are not in the same places they appear to be?


I can’t get any obvious separator options to work. I am asking an expert.

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I have the same question. I’m wanting to use Khmer letters as footnote callers. There are three choices:

  • Default
  • abc
  • custom

But “Default” always produces “abc…”, and “custom” is a static symbol.
Shouldn’t “Default” follow the caller sequence defined in Paratext?

I have written this up as a bug. Though it is a feature request. It is reasonable that if you can supply a list of characters in Paratext then SAB should be able to handle that too. Also there appears no difference in outcome between Default and ABC options.

My PT project has a list of characters for footnotes and uses “\f +”. Is SAB able to pull in that list of characters from PT? If not, then what does SAB mean by “Default” caller?

Has the “custom list” option been fixed yet?

I’d like Footnote callers to use a, b, c … and Cross reference callers to use the alphabet in the local language. This would match our printed Bibles.

It appears that it’s not yet possible to do this in SAB. @mcquayi Have you heard anything about the feature request you made 3 years ago?