Gamification elements in SAB

Gamification can be used to initiate participation and promote engagement. We can use gamification elements to tap into and influence peoples’s natural desires for competition, achievement, recognition and self-expression. Awards like unlocking badges/points when users completes a chapter/book/portions and showing their progress towards completing Bible reading will motivate them for better engagement.

  • points – when the user completes a certain number of chapters. (Eg. 100 points when completes first 10 chapters etc.)

  • badges – when user completes certain number of books;

  • Progress tracker - to show the user progress of his app usage and remaining books/chapters (with %) - completed chapters/books, remaining chapters/books, time spent using app (if possible) etc.

@jkurian - If you want to disciple people on a particular topic (love, forgiveness, patience) you could create a badge for reading a particular list of passages. The badges would then become a graphical topical reference list which the user can use to review that topic.

Which of the gamification/engagement features in YouVersion or in other apps do people like? Would you prefer the option to switch them off? I find some an encouragement eg encouragement that I’ve read the Bible (via the app) so many days in a row or so many times in a week / month. Such counters may help to encourage regular use but it helps to not just have them reset to zero without a word of encouragement. Certain actions or achievements could also be used to trigger surprise ‘rewards’ or announcements. eg encouragements to persevere not only in reading but in following. Along with regular scripture reading you could also add an accountability tracker for a personal goal - whether that is to pray for someone every day for a month, or to go five days without criticising a colleague (goals need not be written down) - such apps already exist but building them alongside a habit of regular scripture reading may be helpful

Just wanted to revive discussion on an old feature request