I want to create translation apps. I know that I can do this using SAB. I have read documentation about Translation in SAB but I don’t understand yet. It explained two panes thee panes, etc. but not about Book name, ID and other about books in the new book collection.
I have to add one book collection for each translation. That’s all I know.
How to write books in another book collection? The same Book ID? The same verses ID? The same verse lines? The same paragraphs?
Is this about Scripture files or are you planning to use SAB for other materials that you want to translate and publish in several languages? Because if it is Scripture files from Paratext, the different translations already use the same IDs for the same books.
So yes, the various books in the different book collections need to use the same IDs and the same chapter and verse structure. Only then will you be able to display them verse-by-verse or use the two-pane view so that you can scroll one text and the other will follow. (There is no three-pane layout by the way, but you can display up to three languages at the same time, using the verse-by-verse setting). Paragraphs don’t matter as far as I know.