How to make SAB link more scripture references?

Book abbreviations followed by a number are linked by SAB, but when the full name is used it is (mostly) not linked.
Also, whole chapters in chapter ranges are not linked.


Are you conforming to your Paratext settings in how these are written?

Our chapter range is
and the text is
Jesaja 1 \u2013 35

Book names are correct

\toc matches the Book Names settings

\id ISA
\toc3 Jes
\toc2 Jesaja
\toc1 Jesaja

This is strange. I do not understand why the first and last Jesaja references don’t work but the others do. The 2 Konings reference seems strange too. One thing that you might want to try to rule out is invisible characters. If you copy and paste from the ‘Scripture Reference Settings’ that should at least eliminate that possibility.

I have one thought about those references for multiple chapters: In your ‘Reference Format’ tab under ‘Scripture Reference Settings’, the dash for ‘Range of Chapters or Books’ appears to be a different size dash than the one you are using for ‘Range of Verses’.
Are you using the correct dash in your text for the references with a range of chapters?

@Matt_A Where am I copy and pasting to?

I use BabelMap to verify characters.
You can’t rely on how a dash “appears” because of the differences in font rendering. I have seen hyphens, en dashes and em dashes rendered the same length.

As I said above, we use space\u2013space for Range of Chapters or Books;
or space-en dash-space or \u0020\u2013\u0020 or

I can confirm that the chapter ranges do not use hypens, em dashes or any other dash in the text.
They only use space-en dash-space.

You are right about the different characters for verse ranges.
We use hyphens for Range of Verses; or \u002d or


It looks like you have a good handle on the Unicode behind your text, but just for the sake of answering your question, I was suggesting that you copy from your ‘Book Names’ tab in your ‘Scripture Reference Settings’:

and paste that into the source text for your app (whatever is behind this):

Also, FWIW, there is another tool called Unicode String Inspector, in which you can paste text, and it will tell you if there are hidden characters as well:

In your Paratext settings you have the Cross refences and Parallels passages both set to Abbreviation, yet in the example text you use both Abbreviations and Short Names. So SAB is being nice and allowing for some user inconsistency

It would be good to see the SFM equivalent of the marked up references image. I am assuming they have \xt wrapped around each reference.

Have you tried adding the start and end verses to the chapter ranges?

Often people put in a non breaking space between a book number and the book name like 1 John etc. Could that be an issue?

If SAB is going to be nice, it needs to be consistently nice :slight_smile: .

Only the abbreviated references in parenthesis are wrapped in \xt’s.
It would be preferable if SAB just left the non-\xt’s alone.


\im Die begin van Jesaja se optrede as profeet dagteken uit die jaar 740 vC (vgl \xt Jes 6:1\xt*). Teen 701 vC was hy steeds profeet in Jerusalem. Geleerdes is dit eens dat slegs Jesaja 1 – 35 profesieë van Jesaja bevat, wat deur leerlinge van die profeet bestudeer en oorgelewer is (vgl \xt Jes 8:16-20\xt*). Jesaja 36 – 39 bevat gedeeltes uit 2 Konings 8 – 20, en is aan die einde van Jesaja se profesieë bygevoeg, waarskynlik tydens die Babiloniese ballingskap (586-539 vC). Jesaja 40 – 55 dagteken ook uit hierdie tyd. Die agtergrond van die laaste deel van die boek (\xt Jes 56 – 66\xt*) is die tyd ná die ballingskap. Die boek \bk Jesaja\bk* het dus oor 'n tydperk van byna twee eeue ontstaan. Die eerste lesers van die profeet Jesaja se profesieë was 'n groep volgelinge wat sy profesieë vir die nageslag bewaar het. Die eerste lesers van Jesaja 40 – 55 was ballinge in Babilonië, en die eerste lesers van die boek in sy huidige vorm sou persone in en om Jerusalem wees. Die groep gelowiges wat weggebreek het van die tempel in Jerusalem en hulle by •Qumran langs die Dooie See gevestig het, het baie waarde geheg aan die inhoud van die boek \bk Jesaja,\bk* en die twee boekrolle met tekste van \bk Jesaja\bk* wat by Qumran gevind is, bied goeie vergelykingsmateriaal in gevalle waar die •Masoretiese teks moontlik oorskryffoute bevat. 

Further down it also gets a list of chapter ranges wrong:


\im \bk Jesaja\bk* kan soos volg ingedeel word: 
\io1 1 – 39 Eerste deel 
\io2 1 – 12 Oordeel oor Israel en uitsig op redding 
\io2 13 – 23 Oordeel oor die volke en Jerusalem en uitsig op redding
\io2 24 – 35 Verwoesting en hoop 
\io2 36 – 39 Verlossing van Jerusalem 
\io1 40 – 55 Tweede deel 
\io2 40 – 46 God se regsaak met die volke 
\io2 47 – 48 Val van Babel en 'n nuwe tydperk 
\io2 49 – 55 Liedere oor Sion en die \nd Here\nd* se dienskneg 
\io1 56 – 66 Derde deel 
\io2 56 – 59 Geregtigheid en ongeregtigheid in Jerusalem 
\io2 60 – 63:6 Heerlikheid van Jerusalem 
\io2 63:7 – 66:24 Trou en ontrou van Jerusalem

Also, we are dealing with 16 of our translation, just as a start. There are more. So manual edits are out of the question. Adding start verses to a chapter range are possible (verse 1), but automating adding of the end chapter’s verse is not an option.

No non-breaking spaces in this case.