Inability to create Glossary


I am new at creating apps and need some direction. I would like to incorporate the glossary in my app. I am importing an ePub file or a Word document as the book and keeping the glossary as a separate book. I am not sure how to use the \w…\w* and the \k…\k* with a word file ore pub file. How do I insert these codes into this types of files.

Elementary question I am sure… but appreciate your expertise.

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Hi Giraffe, unfortunately SAB is not set up to use USFM markers like \w and \k in Word documents, only in USFM documents. Storybooks and songbooks work well in SAB coming from Word, but not Bible books.

This is from the App Building manual:

  • The Scripture text needs to be in one of the following formats:
    • Paratext files (.usfm, .sfm, .ptx, etc.)
    • USX files (.usx)
    • Digital Bible Library Text Release Bundles (.zip)
  • Other types of app content such as commentaries, picture story books, song books and Bible studies: The text needs to be in one of the following formats:
    • Word documents (.docx)
    • SFM text files (.sfm)
    • HTML files (.html)
    • Bloom book (.bloomd)

Another option is to mark glossary entries with an asterisk or something to signify that the entry is in the glossary. Then you could stick with your source as Word and readers could know they could flip to the glossary for the entries.

Thank you Corey,

Pardon my ignorance. So is a USFM document derived from a Textedit file?

USFM is a text-only file, it’s the kind used by Paratext. The specification for USFM is here. This is what it looks like:

\id GEN (WOL)
\h Njàlbéen ga
\toc1 Njàlbéen ga, di xaaj bi jëkk ci Tawreetu Musaa
\toc2 Njàlbéen ga
\mt1 Njàlbéen ga
\mt2 di xaaj bi jëkk ci Tawreetu Musaa
\c 1
\s1 Yàlla sàkk na àddina, fal ci nit
\v 1 Ca njàlbéen ga Yàlla sàkk na asamaan ak suuf.
\v 2 Suuf nag daa maase woon te wéet, lëndëm muur ndox mu xóot mi, lale ca kaw, Noowug Yàlla di wër, tiim ndox mi.
\v 3 Ba loolu amee Yàlla ne: «Na leer nekk,» leer daldi am.
\v 4 Yàlla gis ne leer gi lu baax la, mu xàjjale leer ak lëndëm.
\v 5 Yàlla tudde leer gi bëccëg, lëndëm gi guddi. Ngoon jot, suba dugg, muy bés ba jëkk.
\v 6 Yàlla ne: «Na aw dénd dox diggante ndox yi, ngir xàjjale leen, yii fii, yii fale.»
\v 7 Yàlla nag sàkk dénd wi, xàjjalee ko ndox yi féete dénd wi suuf ak yi ko féete kaw. Mu daldi nekk noona.
\v 8 Yàlla tudde dénd wi asamaan. Ngoon jot, suba dugg, muy bésub ñaareel ba.
\v 9 Yàlla ne: «Na ndox, mi asamaan tiim, gëndoo benn bérab, ba joor gu wow feeñ.» Mu daldi nekk noona.
\v 10 Yàlla tudde joor gu wow gi suuf, ndox mi gëndoo, mu tudde ko géej. Yàlla gis ne baax na.
\v 11 Yàlla ne: «Na suuf sax ñax, muy gàncax gu ànd ak jiwoom, ak garab yuy meññ tey jur seeni jiwu, lu ci nekk ak wirgoom ci kaw suuf.» Mu daldi nekk noona.
\v 12 Suuf nag sax ñax, muy gàncax gu ànd ak wirgoy jiwoom, ak garab yuy meññ tey jur seeni wirgoy jiwu. Yàlla gis ne baax na.
\v 13 Ngoon jot, suba dugg, muy bésub ñetteel ba.

If you do not have access to Paratext, you can try other USFM editors. Search Google for ‘usfm editor’ - these are the first results:

Does anyone else on the forum have a recommendation of a USFM editor other than Paratext? Or an upvote or downvote for these above?

Thank you very much.

I do have Mac and am looking for an option to Paratext. Thank you for the info you have given me.