Journey approach to Scripture

Hello guys,

We are trying to create a ‘journey’ approach in 15 steps (sections) to scripture so first time Scripture reader can have some guidance.

Will you be able to build the following functionalities to create such approach:

SAB would be able to:

  • display ‘journey’ mode
  • create section by selecting books or passages
  • have the ability to add description or comments in each section to guide the reader.
  • insert video if needed from the web
  • insert picture
  • user would be able to follow their journey (save what has already been read)

The application ReadingScripture has such approach.

Thank you so much for all your work,


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I like this idea and can think of uses for it so I second it.

Seems kind of like having a reading plan (like in Youversion app) but more than just a list of passages to read…a little more guidance.

Have you looked at Bible Modules in Paratext to create something like this? I don’t think it fulfills all your desires or the UI but it may go some of the way content wise.


Thanks, I will check this out, I see I could also import html, I might try this too.