If you are publishing a Modern PWA to a website in a Sub Directory with Scriptoria, you will need to specify the path in two places:
- Publishing > App Store > Publishing Properties - PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH
- Publishing > Web App (PWA) > Sub Directory
We use rclone to upload to a web server using the WebDAV protocol. If the configuration points to the root of the web server, you might have a PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH=eng/bible
. For the Modern PWA to build correctly, you would need the Sub Directory setting set to /eng/bible
(notice the leading forward slash.
Scriptoria will synchronize these two setting with appropriate values.
- If you have set PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH and not set PWA Sub Directory, then Scriptoria will update PWA Sub Directory (with “/” + the value of PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH).
- If you have set PWA Sub Directory and not set PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH, then Scriptoria will update PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH (with the value of PWA Sub Directory but the leading “/” removed).
If there is some different in these paths (like PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH=www/eng/bible but the actual PWA Sub Directory is /eng/bible), then you still need to specify both values. There is no way for Scriptoria to know this.