PWA on 12.2.2 for Mac

Hello Chris
long ago! I am trying to make a new Modern PWA from SAB 12.2.2
Publishing → Web App (PWA)
1st tab (App Name etc.)
2nd tab subdirectory/pwa
Tabs 3 and 4 untouched

Then BUILD PWA … no problems but when looking into PWA Output folder I do not see
/history etc.


(or do the folders you mention only appear when using Scriptoria

THEN I press RUN PWA … SAFARI opens … something starts circling around and around and it stays like that … PWA does NOT run!

Maybe I should add this from the Terminal:

*** Running PWA ***

*** NPM Version ***
/Applications/Scripture App
*** NPM Preview ***

appbuilder-pwa@0.0.1 preview
vite preview --host --open

Port 4173 is in use, trying another one…
➜ Local: http://localhost:4174/
➜ Network:
➜ press h + enter to show help
SvelteKitError: Not found: /illustrations/ebv-israe%CC%88ldanieten.png
at resolve2 (file:///private/var/folders/v_/lcd6vlk514n_9tq11qby0kyh0000gn/T/App%20Builder/preview/appbuilder-pwa/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js:2736:18)
at resolve (file:///private/var/folders/v_/lcd6vlk514n_9tq11qby0kyh0000gn/T/App%20Builder/preview/appbuilder-pwa/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js:2569:34)
at #options.hooks.handle (file:///private/var/folders/v_/lcd6vlk514n_9tq11qby0kyh0000gn/T/App%20Builder/preview/appbuilder-pwa/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js:2811:71)
at respond (file:///private/var/folders/v_/lcd6vlk514n_9tq11qby0kyh0000gn/T/App%20Builder/preview/appbuilder-pwa/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js:2567:43)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
status: 404,
text: ‘Not Found’

@joop, I tried these links and they didn’t work for me.

Correction: I removed the doubled n in the link and it worked.


I have been very busy the past week (trying to catch up from a 3 week PD trip). I am still looking at this. There are two issues I am looking at:

  1. We need to add support for HTML files (you would think this would be easy). We have focused on Scripture first. I hope this will not take long to add. Just need the time to focus on it.
  2. During the processing of the USFM files, I am getting a weird errors from our USFM parser on some of your files. I have contacted the authors of the USFM parser to see if they can help.


Thank you for letting me know. There is no hurry, but I am happy you are trying very much to find out how this can be fixed at your time.

@joop: FYI, you need to change the setting of Minimum Android Platform from “Android 14 (API 34)” to the lowest setting. We have recently updated the UI to help with the confusion between Target Android Platform and Minimum Android Platform.

This is what you currently have. You should change it to “Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21)”

It turns out the message coming from the USFM parser are warnings about large blocks of whitespace. I am adding code to trim the whitespace at the end of the lines and that “fixes” the warnings. However, you might want to look at these books:

21-prediker.sfm (ECC) - has block of 9384 whitespaces (ECC 2:2)
23-jesaja.sfm (ISA) - has block of 8102 whitespaces (ISA 11:13)
45-romeinen.sfm (ROM) - has block of 4876 whitespaces (ROM 9:23)

Update: Hmm … still researching …

The author of the parser says:

I looked at your first file in Emacs hex mode. I don’t see a huge whitespace string but I do see several


as well as some kind of exotic bullet point character. If the latter isn’t in the wordLike character class that might throw Proskomma into a strange parsing mode.

“◘” U+25D8 Inverse Bullet Unicode Character

@joop Any comments about these two observations?


There are 8500 inverse bullets to indicate a note with cross-ref. at the end of a verse.
“◘” U+25D8 Inverse Bullet Unicode Character
I did not know that this poses a problem. We can probably change that, but that needs to be done in a script we use to get SFM files for SAB, starting from XML exported from FileMakerPro.

\x*~~ also we have lots of these at the end of a note. Probably there are also 8500 of these strings because they can be found at the end of each note with cross-references - see our SAB files - did I Send EBV or EBV-S files in SAB or both?

What do we need to do? Or what can be done?
If our script needs to be changed, then I need to ask him.

@joop it turns out that these didn’t cause any problems. You don’t need to change the content. You could delete the extra white space blocks I mentioned above, but I have worked around that as well.

I am still working on your app. I am implementing support for HTML books. I made good progress today.


That is good news …

If necessary, I will make a new topic, but if not necessary …:
I found that under Publishing several languages and script fail to produce a fair E-pub file. It is not an exception. Maybe that is also useful to look at after you closed this one, but still have my files. It is not unimportant and others might also run into this problem. But I can make this an an other topic! Thank your for your attention.

If you have an issue with EPUB, I would suggest reporting it to the support page.


I have the HTML Books working. I just need to address an issue with displaying on mobile phones.

You can see the progress on:


Very good, even though, I do not understand al the technicalities of course, but it looks that your are making good and significant progress. Thank you


I have submitted changed to the appbuilder-pwa code to support HTML books.

You can try it out by:

  1. navigating to the Publishing > Web App (PWA) > Repository
  2. click the radio button Latest from the Repository
  3. click on Run PWA

Let me know how it works for you.


It works beautiful!

To make this available for the users, I uploaded a new set of HTML files after regenerating them. Also I made a new folder /pwa on the root and under the TAB called Subdirectory confirmed that name and folder.
Then I uploaded the files and folder from WITHIN the folder that was made in the PWA Output folder during the building of the PWA, to that folder on the server. But I cannot see how I get this all now working from the browser…

I saw this fromm you:
Publishing Properties

Since the Modern PWA to Cloud product uses rclone to publish, you may need to also set PUBLISH_CLOUD_REMOTE_PATH in the publishing properties. If the value is the same as what is specified in the Sub Directory above, then you don’t need to specify this publishing property and the value will be used.

BUT where do I find publishing properties … ?

An other question is: how does the Modern PWA find the Bible book files …? The are not generated when I build a PWA. I cannot find them in de folder C01 under COLLECTIONS …?

The details about Publishing Properties is for publishing with Scriptoria.

If you are publishing the PWA to a sub directory of a website (e.g., then you need to go to the Publishing > Web App (PWA) > Sub Directory page and specify /pwa in the Sub Directory field.

The bible books are combined into a single file (collections/nld_C01.pkf).


Ok, that seems to as a good answer. But how can get this working in the browser… I manage to get the old PWA working e.g. in Edge, Safari, Chrome on my iMac 27" with Sonoma, but the Modern PWA I do not know how to activate that. I tried on Android,
I am not sure how to proceed …

ooh, suddenly I found something and it began to work. Great … (also I am learning) I will come back to this to-morrow.
Anyway, for now thanks for your help and work

It works now on my site.
Now the fixes needed (if possible)

  1. search does not work error code 404
  2. we have 3 notes for which you use 3 aphabetical characters. I had rather see 3 blocks like we use in the App: :white_medium_square: for translation note :black_medium_square:︎for an exegetical note ◘ for cross reference
  3. now these alphabetal references to the 3 types of note are clinging to the vers number of the NEXT verse, which is odd to see. They should be immediately after the text of the verse to which they belong with 1 or 2 white spaces (maybe 1 whitespace is enough).

Not withstanding these remaining issues I have already give it all to the users, because this is significant step forward

What is the url of your published PWA?

For the issues you reported.

  1. Search: I do Run PWA and I don’t get a 404 for the search page, but it is not returning any results. I will look into that.
  2. Can you give examples (screenshots) from the Android app and PWA? Please provide the scripture references (Book/Chapter/Verse) so that I can see it on my devices
  3. Again, can you give examples with screenshot comparisons between Android and PWA with scripture references.

When reporting issues, you need to provide enough information so that I can reproduce the issue locally and verify a fix. Without that, I will not have time to research.


  1. Thank you
  2. Genesis 1:1 in your PWA shows at the end abc, but in de the App (I used the browser for convenience) it shows 3 blocks: :white_medium_square: for translation note :black_medium_square:︎for an exegetical note ◘ for cross reference
  3. just before the verse numbers 4 and 5 in the PWA you see resp. f and g, but these should preferably cling to the last words of each verse resp. to ‘licht’ and to ‘duisternis’
    I hope this helps and I hope you can help