Reading Plans- Interface Translation Bug

Hey everyone, I have added a reading plan for our Turkish app and translated all the languages in the interface. Only Turkish is selected, no english.

However, ‘days’ still appears in the reading plan viewer

When you say that you translated all the languages in the interface, where did you do it? There’s a spot for translations under Engagement>>Plans, and also under Appearance>>Interface>>Translations. Under the second one, there is a string for Plans_Number_Days that might be what you need:

I would check both places and make sure that there are translations provided in both.

I did it in interface

FYI, you need “%d Gün” not just “% Gün” (the %d does a number substitution).

Have you tried it in the app with the Turkish interface? That screenshot looks like it is from the Engagement > Plans > Viewer page and it is using the English locale of the SAB app.


That got it! Thank you