Where is the option inside of SAB to remove the button on the audio bar which allows adjusting speed? I don’t want to allow users access to that feature.
This setting originally was just in the user settings. Then when it was enabled in the user settings, it was also shown on the audio bar.
So go to Navigation > Navigation Drawer > Settings page and uncheck the Playback speed setting.
When I disabled this setting, I noticed that the playback controls on the Android app are off-center.
I even tried turning off Show a ‘Repeat Mode’ button on the audio toolbar feature on in Media > Audio > Audio Toolbar page, but they were still off-center. I will report a bug on this.
Thank you very much for tracking that down–I had ended up just turning it off by manually editing the .appdef file. Why it’s not listed under “Audio Toolbar” makes absolutely no sense to me (even if were to be listed in two different places).
I reported the controls being off center 4 months ago. Maybe this will bump it to someone’s attention.
I’m going to all add here that spending inordinate amounts of time searching for these sorts of settings is one of my 2 biggest pet peeves about SAB. Why there’s not a search function like in PT or PTXprint where you can type a word like “speed” and it gives you search results is beyond me.
I guess the thought is just that we’ve all spent enough time to memorize where every single option is. (And I’ll add that the help pdfs are useless, and that this forum often goes out of date, as it did when I searched for “speed” today and found an old location for the setting.)
I feel your pain. I too forget where configuration is stored. There are a lot of features (and I have to implement them on our new PWA). I have seen PTX Print and it is very nice!
Unfornately, we have few developers and the technology we used to implement SAB does not make it easy to implement such a feature. Do you know that we are volunteers and have to raise support to be able to do this work?
Instead of being frustrated, you can pray! Would you pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers in his harvest field? We could use more developers to work on the app builders to enable these types of features.
For His Great Name,
Chris Hubbard
In SAB 12.2 there is now a “Find Features and Settings” button at the top right of the app builder screen, or you can get to it using CTRL+F.
Very exciting!
Thank you for adding that function.