SAB 4.5 MAC Adapted Keyboard for typing to search text

I saw an SAB APP recently which - when installed on a smartphone - showed a Cyrillic keyboard (because that was the script of that bible version) plus under the display of that keyboard - when you want to make a search and are ready to type the word from the keyboard on the screen - a number of customised keys (small buttons in grey with a special Cyrillic character on it). When you pressed on one of those non-standard Cyrillic characters, the specific character on it would be entered in the word your are looking for in the Search. That is a very nice feature because many of us (we anyway) have to do with scripts with adapted characters!

Is there a way to do this in SAB?

In the Features ➢ Search tab, there is a entry field for Special Characters.

You may also consider looking to provide a Keyman keyboard?

Thanks again, beautiful! We will see what is the best, but excellent that it can be done from within SAB 4.5!

Maybe this can also help …

It seems on Smartphone you can change to Google Keyboard to many languages