SAB 4.5 MAC cross-references in footnotes

In a very early stage (I am told) there were clickable cross-references in the footnotes, but soon they disappeared. I have asked for this feature along various ways in the past and here I am again: why not include clickable cross-references in the footnotes like in the cross-reference fields themselves. We have many footnotes with explanations which touch at a wide variety of scriptures and to which we refer. If they worked like the cross-references do work now, it would be excellent!

Hi Joop, we also have an app that has a lot of footnotes and references to other Scripture passages in them. We have the links working. The references in the footnotes are marked with the \xt marker. Here is an example of a verse. It contains a footnote with two references.

\v 3 Яҳудо ва Тамарадан Параз ва Зерах туғилдилар.
\q Параздан Хазрон туғилди.
\q Хазрондан Рам\f + \fr 1:3\fr* \fq Рам \ft — юнонча матнда бу исмнинг бошқа варианти \fqa Арам\fqa* (\xt Мат 1:4\xt*~да ҳам бор). Унинг Рам деган шакли \xt 1Сол 2:9-10\xt*~дан олинган.\f* туғилди.

Maybe this can help you?

Thank you Friedo, this helps me in the sense that I realize now that it is the difference between working from FilemakerProAdvanced and Paratext. From FMP we export XML and convert it with a script to SFM format, which works wonderfully.
From what you say, I understand now that we may need to find a solution both in FMP and in the script if we want to have this working. Finally it is clear where the bottleneck is. We will see what we can do!