This is SAB source code from Gen. 1:1 … Why do Ros. and Ibr. not detected and stay “mute” in the cross-ref. in the APP. We have many of these “mute” appearance while on other places in the cross-references they are not “mute” Any explanation? Very strange! We do not have this in other Latin script based APPs.

The source code:
\v 1 Muⱪǝddǝmdǝ Huda asmanlar bilǝn zeminni yaratti. \f □ \fr 1:1 \ft \bd «Huda»\bd* — ibraniy tilida «Əloⱨim» deyilidu. Bu toƣruluⱪ «Tǝbirlǝr»ni kɵrünj. \bd «Asmanlar»\bd* — muⱪǝddǝs kitab boyiqǝ üq ⱪatlam asman bar; birinqi ⱪat asman «atmosfera», ikkinqi ⱪat asman «alǝm boxluⱪi», üqinqi ⱪat asman Hudaninj ǝrxidur. Xunja «asman» kɵp yǝrlǝrdǝ «asmanlar» deyilidu.\f*\x + \xo 1:1 \xt Ayup 38:4; Zǝb. 33:6; 89:12; 136:5; Ros. 14:15; 17:24; Ibr. 11:3 \x*

Do you have Ros. and Ibr. in the app?
If so can you copy in the first ten lines of the USFM file for each and also the first ten lines for Ayup and Zeb.

ROS. first 10 + lines

\id ACT

\h Rosullarning paaliyǝtliri

\toc1 Rosullarning paaliyǝtliri

\toc2 Rosullarning paaliyǝtliri

\toc3 Ros.

\mt1 Rosullarning paaliyǝtliri

\c 1

\s1 Muⱪǝddimǝ


\v 1-2 I \add ⱨɵrmǝtlik\add* Te’ofilos, mǝn dǝslǝp yazƣan bayan Əysa ɵzi talliƣan rosullarƣa Muⱪǝddǝs Roⱨ arⱪiliⱪ ǝmrlǝrni tapxurup asmanƣa kɵtürülgǝn küngüqǝ bolƣan uninj barliⱪ ǝmǝlliri ⱨǝm barliⱪ tǝlim berixlirininj baxlanmisi toƣrisida idi.\f □ \fr 1:1-2 \ft \bd «…mǝn dǝslǝp yazƣan bayan Əysa ɵzi talliƣan rosullarƣa Muⱪǝddǝs Roⱨ arⱪiliⱪ ǝmrlǝrni tapxurup asmanƣa kɵtürülgǝn küngüqǝ bolƣan uninj barliⱪ ǝmǝlliri ⱨǝm barliⱪ tǝlim berixlirininj baxlanmisi toƣrisida idi»\bd* — demǝk, «Luⱪa» degǝn kitabta ««uninj barliⱪ ǝmǝlliri ⱨǝm barliⱪ tǝlim berixlirininj baxlanmisi» hatirlinidu; «Rosullarninj pa’aliyǝtliri»dǝ bolsa Əysaninj «barliⱪ ǝmǝlliri ⱨǝm barliⱪ tǝlim berixliri»ninj dawami hatirlinidu.\f*\x + \xo 1:1-2 \xt Mar. 16:19; Luⱪa 9:51; Yuⱨ. 20:21; 1Tim. 3:16. \x*


IBR. first 10 + lines

\id HEB

\h Ibraniylarƣa

\toc1 Ibraniylarƣa

\toc2 Ibraniylarƣa

\toc3 Ibr.

\mt1 Ibraniylarƣa

\c 1

\s1 «Ibraniylarƣa yezilƣan mǝktup» •••• Hudaninj Oƣli pǝrixtilǝrdin üstündur


\v 1 Huda burunⱪi zamanlarda ata-bowilarƣa pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝr arⱪiliⱪ türküm-türküm boyiqǝ wǝ nurƣun yollar bilǝn sɵz ⱪilƣan bolup,\f □ \fr 1:1 \ft \bd «türküm-türküm boyiqǝ»\bd* — yaki «nurƣun ⱪetim» yaki «nurƣun ipadilǝr bilǝn».\f*~~

AYUP first 10 + lines

\id JOB

\h Ayup

\toc1 Ayup

\toc2 Ayup

\toc3 Ayup

\mt1 Ayup

\c 1

\s1 Ihlasmǝnlik ⱨǝm awatliⱪ


\v 1 «Uz» degǝn yurtta, Ayup isimlik bir adǝm yaxiƣanidi. Bu adǝm bolsa ⱪusursiz, durus, Hudadin ⱪorⱪidiƣan, yamanliⱪtin ɵzini yiraⱪ tutidiƣan adǝm idi. \x + \xo 1:1 \xt Ayup 2:3\x*~~


ZEB. first 10 + lines

\id PSA

\h Zǝbur

\toc1 Zǝbur

\toc2 Zǝbur

\toc3 Zǝb.

\mt1 Zǝbur

\c 1

\s1 Birinqi Bɵlüm •••• 1-küy •••• Ita’ǝtmǝn adǝmninj bǝhti


\v 1 Rǝzillǝrninj gepi boyiqǝ manjmaydiƣan,


That all looks good. I don’t have time to test today but will get to it next week.

Did you find out the reason of the problem?

Just behind on this one. Will test today.

I created a set of books with a fake verse for each reference, and your original footnote in MAT. I tested in 6.0.2.

All links were recognised and went to the correct place.

So I can’t reproduce your issue on Windows built Android and Mac built Android. Yet to test on iOS.

Building on a Mac for iOS and running in the simulator, it worked fine.

I have built on Mac and tested on iPhone and the links are including the book names there too.

So with the minimal sample of your data I can’t reproduce the issue you are having.

I assume you mean in LTR … then it is my turn again to see what mistake I can find on this side

I assume you are still looking into RTL (see other post) … there all the book names are not recognised …