SAB 8.5 on Mac M1

I have Xcode 12.4 installed on my Mac M1, however SAB says: “install Xcode from the Mac App Store”. I cannot make it work. Is there any compatibility issue?

It works now! I had to enable the Xcode-Xcode Servers-Servers and Bot

Great thanks for the feedback.

Sorry that I could get to this last night.

We don’t require Xcode Servers and Bot. It might have changes something else when you did that option. In Section 4 of the Installing and Building Apps on a Mac documentation, the subsection “Verify Xcode Installation” describes running xcode-select -p to check that it is installed correctly.

If you use Homebrew for unix tools for macOS, often it will require Xcode CommandLine Tools even though Xcode is already installed and it switches the selected Xcode to the CommandLine Tools. Unfortunately, there are tools that are only in the full Xcode that we need for iOS app development.

Thanks! By the way, with the M1 and the new Xcode I was able to open the iPad Air Simulator from scratch in 20 sec and after that in 4 secs every time. Compiling a IOS app with 3 Bible versions: 53 secs! Amazing performances.