SAB Mac - Windows PTX Print

we are not working in Paratext, but have been able to get our FileMaker Pro database files properly into SAB as SFM files through an export as XML followed by a script which turns all bible text into SFM files for SAB and all works properly. We also have a route to printing from FMP through Indesign and a script working inside Indesign to get all in a very nice typesetting.
Nevertheless we consider for partners to make use of PTX Print, which, if we understand well, only works together with Paratext (not with SAB ! ??).

These are the questions:

  • can we import our SFM files from SAB into Paratext? Does Paratext have an option for that?
  • if yes, is the result 100% or are there hurdles?
  • in SAB we also have additional HTML books fairly simple in layout, among them introductions and commentaries. Can these HTML books be imported into Paratext ?
  • is there an independent SFM editor that works more or less like a word processor?

Anyone can use Paratext (Get Started with Paratext for FREE!) with a basic registration. (If you register with a translation organization, you may be able to get access to more Scripture resources…) In Paratext, you can create a project, and import SFM files quite easily. If they are standard SFM files, there shouldn’t be any difficulties. You may want to make use of the USFM documentation available here: USFM Documentation — Unified Standard Format Markers 3.0.0 documentation.

Once you have your data in Paratext, you can start playing around with PTXprint (PTXprint). There are some good tutorial resources on that site, and there is a forum (like this SAB one) for posting questions here: PTXprint - SIL Scripture Software Community.

As for importing HTML books, I would recommend just importing (or copying and pasting, even from a browser) text only, then adding appropriate SFMs to the text. There are a couple of “supplemental” books (XXA, XXB, etc.) which you can use to store non-biblical text, although introductions should be put in the book named INT.

Hope that helps.

Thank you, Jeff.
That answers at least the question about our SFM files.
We are not planning to work in Paratext, since our solution is fine and has been chosen about 20 yrs ago, considering Paratext as an other option.

Have you an answer to my question about an ‘independent’ SFM editor?

You can of course use any text editor, but I would encourage you to try using Paratext as your SFM editor. It “understands” that SFMs are special, and can show you special formatting. Just type a backslash and it will give you the different SFM options available in that context.

Once you have your Scripture text in Paratext (to try out PTXprint), you may just find that you prefer it to your home-grown solution. It is, after all, software specifically designed for analyzing and editing Scripture, and has great features for checking texts, verifying the coherence of key terms, comparing parallel texts, etc. Find out more through the training videos: