I’m working to get a Scripture app loaded onto the google play store. It’s already gone through a few rounds of review > reject > update. I’m currently getting a message in the play console that I have to explain why my app needs the following permissions:
I assume the app needs image permissions to use the verse on image feature, but I can’t figure out why it would require video permissions, I am not making use of any of the video options in SAB.
Additionally, the permissions tab in SAB does not list these as required permissions. It only lists read external storage, write external storage, and set notifications.
Does anyone have ideas about why the play console thinks my app needs these additional permissions or what I can do to make it not require them?
It seems that Android 13 changed the external storage permission into 3 separate permissions: one each for images, audio and video. Perhaps SAB isn’t handling that correctly. Android 14 made another change to add READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED. I would imagine as your surmised it’s the Verse on Image function that is creating these. I’ll write up a report for the developers.
It looks like your app is needing the READ_MEDIA_VIDEO permission, so you will need to explain why this is. There are two situations where this would be needed:
If you allow downloading of videos in your app, or
If you download .webm audio files (which are considered by Android as video files).