ScriptureForge on Sefaria?

Our team began using the community checking feature of Scripture Forge, and it’s been very useful. When we started using it in the summer, people with Apple devises were using it in Sefaria, but they’ve said they are not able to anymore and now have to use Google Chrome instead. Not sure if that is due to something on the iOS side or the SF side. It’s not a major problem for them, but I wonder if there is an update someone knows of that would enable them to use it in Sefaria again?

Hi Stephanie,

Scripture Forge is intended to work in Safari on iOS. Do you know what problems the team ran into in Safari?

Thanks for your reply, Nathaniel. They said that when they were trying to login to SF in Safari, the login would always time out and it was impossible to connect. It had worked previously, and then at least two of them had this problem at about the same time.

Hi Stephanie, there have been some times this year when there were issues with the login that sound quite similar to what you described. Those issues have not been happening as much recently. I am thinking it is possible the problem actually had nothing to do with Safari. Could you ask those who ran into this problem to try Safari again and see whether it works?


Hi Nathaniel, I asked someone over there to try using Safari again, and he said he had the same problem of the login “loading” for a very long time then eventually timing out. It’s working right away in Google Chrome for them, though, so they’re happy to keep using that for now.
