Share NON-Google Play download link

B/C of fun government restrictions, our app is hosted outside of Google Play, and there isn’t an intuitive or easy way to share the APK file either. Current solution is to provide a link in the “About” page, with a jpg “how to download/install” instruction card.

Would be nice to replace the Share Google Play store link, with a link of our choosing, so that users don’t have to go to the about page, and so that it could pull up the Android share intent selector.

So on the sharing page you want another checkbox with a text box to capture another web link. That would show up from the Share app menu?

Just curious why do you use a JPEG file for the “how to download/install” information instead of just using text to say the same thing?

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m looking for.

Our app is a picture+audio storyboard. Most users can’t read the interface language and are very limited in their knowledge of how to use their expensive smartphones!

So, we try to make it as intuitive and reproducible as possible.