Unoptimized APK (Review summary @ Google Play Console)

I built the app apk. I uploaded it through the Google Play Console > Internal test
And the Review showed me a Warning as follows:

Unoptimized APK

This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimizing your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users’ devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower install success rates and take up storage on users’ devices.


Use the Android App Bundle to automatically optimize for device configurations, or manage it yourself with multiple APKs.

How should I go about to solve this issue?


What size is your apk? Do you have pictures or embedded audio or video? Either of those would add more to the size than unused code.

This is a warning, not a show stopper. I don’t believe you can do anything about it.

Is there more information than what you supplier? If so that may help the developers trim the excess.

Thanks for the quick response.

The apk size is only 6,548 KB. No, except for the icons there are no pictures, embedded audio or video.

Google Play is assuming that the app will ONLY be installed through the Google Play Store.

However, we want to be able to share the app with others via bluetooth or Wifi direct. To do this, you enable the “Share app installer file” (which is on by default). This allows a user to share the app with another device without the other user downloading it from Google Play. To do this, the app has to have all the resources for all devices (which does make it bigger).

You can safely ignore Google Play’s suggested resolution since it doesn’t take into account this additional way of distributing the app.


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I unchecked the “Share app installer file” and uploaded to the internal, alpha, and beta releases. But it is still showing me the same warning. I even uploaded it to the production release but it still showed me the warning.

It seems I am unable to ignore this suggestion to roll out (Start Rollout to Production is greyed). Or am I doing something wrong somewhere?

Do you really want to uncheck the “Share app installer file”? This will remove the feature inside the app to simplify sharing the app with others.

Regardless, it wouldn’t change how the app is built (to use App Android Bundle instead of APK). We don’t support App Android Bundle builds.

Are they really preventing you from rolling this out due to using an APK instead of an App Android Bundle???

I have googled for “Unoptimized APK” warning. I suspect there is something else that is keeping your app from being published. Have you published this app before? Have you finished the pricing & distribution and the content rating?

Thanks for the heads up! The roll out is now shown after I finished the pricing & distribution and the content rating! I thought, since those were down the menu, it was supposed to be done later. :smile:

Glad that it worked. Are you going to re-enable the “Share app installer file” ?

Yes. I will be enable that again. This time I did the Beta (open beta) release. Any idea where I will get the link for others to test? Do I need for sometime for the link to appear so that its shareable to beta testers?

Here is a link to the documentation on beta testing: