State of Analytics

That’s really helpful. Thanks for the back and forth on this Chris!

I just run a new build for iOS with Amplitude API. (The reason I went with Amplitude was that I lacked a clear instruction on using Firebase for iOS build) What I did was I copied the long string of API numbers into the Analytics section in SAB. I installed the new build on my phone via iTunes. I am wondering if this is all I should do or anything I am missing. How about the instruction I see in Amplitude about copying the Amplitude sub-folder in Xcode project, etc.? Are they all done for us in SAB? Sorry, I am not knowledgable about all this.
Thank you very much for all your help.

Sorry, we have not implemented Analytics on iOS yet. You can see the comparison of features between Android and iOS on


Thanks Chris,

That’s why I am not seeing anything.



Here is the info for FCBH Analytics

FYI, we still don’t have Analytics for iOS. We have a new volunteer who is an iOS developer. Analytics is on his list of things to do. First will be proper Accessibility support (which will be a good task for him to get used to the code).