Adding DAB Glossary file (LIFT) to SAB Collection

Is it possible for me to include a DAB file in the SAB Book collection?

Please provide direction if at all possible.
We are working on a multilingual SAB project. One Glossary file should be added for each language and collection.

Many thanks.

No, I don’t think that’s possible. I would recommend exporting your lexicon (or a portion of it) into a .docx file, and then importing that .docx file into your SAB app. (You can use Pathway, Home - Pathway - Pathway, to export a lexicon from FieldWorks into a LibreOffice Writer .odt file, which can be saved as a .docx file.)


That is unfortunate to know. There should be a feature in SAB that allows the glossary file to be located in a separate section of the drawer menu.