Adding video links within scripture app builder for scripture film segments

The Jesus Film can now be divided into 60 different film segments. So, for example, I can insert the film segment for the birth of Christ at the beginning of the paratext section for the birth of Christ and I can insert the film segment for the Gadarene demoniac would come at the beginning of the paratext section for the Gadarene demoniac, etc etc.

The question is this. I think Scripture App Builder can handle these video links. But it is true that the Digital Bible Library does not want these video links?
How do I insert the video links so that SAB can use the links but how do I get the Digital Bible Library to ignore the links? If the DBL sees these links, we there be a problem, or an error message?

In SAB 5.0 (coming this week!), it will be possible to specify where to place such videos without modifying the Paratext files.

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The Digital Bible Library (DBL) does not currently allow for the inclusion of video clips in the USX output that goes to our Library Card Holders (LCHs) such as YouVersion, FCBH, Global.Bible, etc. However, this doesn’t mean that a text with video links can’t be uploaded to the DBL. If someone would like to add me to a Paratext project that has video links and is not yet in the DBL, I would be glad to try to submit it.

Actual protocol for anyone desiring to make an SAB app is for the text to be uploaded to the DBL first by the translation team, and then for the app builder to request access to it through the DBL.

Anyone wishing to submit a text to the DBL can contact me for a link to the online steps (this website is not allowing me to post the link).

Hey Craig, could you please invite me, Lois Gourley and Eric Pyle (as Consultants) to a Paratext project that has film segments inserted so we can see what the markup is. If those links are supported in USX3, then the DBL should also be able to support them in a couple of months.

Just in case you have already inserted them into your Paratext source files, there is a simple way of automatically removing the links while creating the DBL text bundle. If you create a file called DBLchanges.txt in your Paratext project folder, then any changes specified in that file will be applied to the text when creating the DBL bundle. This works in a similar way to PrintDraftChanges.txt. So, for example, if you have some pre-publishing tidy-up task to be done (or if you want to strip out the video links completely), you can use this method to do so. In our case, we have rules like this in our DBLchanges.txt file:

'\u00AB'    >   '\u2018'          # use single open  curly quotes for unspoken words «
'\u00BB'    >   '\u2019'          # use single close curly quotes for unspoken words »

#	Add a colon after quoted text, before the \ft begins, or \xt begins.
	"(\\[fx]q .+?):* (\\[fx]t)" > "\1: \2"

It is great to see SAB 5.1 having the ability to now include links to videos WITHOUT us having to change the USFM in any way. A big thank you to the developers!

For those of you who don’t like filling in the same dialogue box multiple times with slightly different information, I have come up with a Google Sheet that will make adding the 60+ JESUS Film clips to your existing Scripture App very easy. Given just a few basic parameters it will generate the XML code which will place these clips in the appropriate places within Luke’s gospel. Optionally, you can also translate the clip titles into the vernacular/target language so that the user can see what that clip is about.

For specific instructions on how to do this, refer to this Google Doc or use this easy-to-remember link:

This technique works great for any App builder, but is particularly helpful if you have more than one Book Collection, and need to repeat the same information for each of the different collections/scripts.

If anyone makes use of this, please feel free to suggest ways to improve it and make it easier for others to use in future.

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