App stuck when opening it with introduction chapter

When I want the app to open with an introduction chapter (defining this in SAB > Features > Navigation > First Book and Chapters) there is a problem. The app is stuck for a long time after start up. The same happens when I close the app on an introduction and then it re-opens in the same place. To things are causing this. Firstly the absence of a splash screen image! As soon as I add a splash screen, the problem is resolved. But I may not want to add a splash screen. Secondly, if a calculator is added as a security feature. Then the app is stuck on the introduction as well, even if a splash screen is added. Can this be fixed please?

A similar issue was fixed in SAB 10.0. Please try it out and see if it fixes the issue you describe above.

Wow, SAB 10.0 is out! Thanks, I’ll try it.

I can confirm that this is fixed, great!

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