A MTT wants to backup and share his HT wav files to the Cloud so the project supervisor can have access to the audio files. What do you recommend? Which ‘free’ service works best? Would you sync the folder, [C:\ProgramData\SIL\HearThis\Project\Book\Chapter1]? Any other tips or advice you would share?
I think I would try to avoid synching the live data folder. Based on my experience with SayMore, that usually leads to all kinds of file locking issues that are hard to track down. HearThis allows you to create a shareable “backup” with the Save HearThis Pack command on the More menu. This pack can then be “merged” into another user’s version of the project. If the supervisor isn’t actually changing anything, then each subsequent merge will just replace any files that have changed since the last merge. This will not be a “live” sync, of course. The user would have to create an updated snapshot of the project. HearThis Packs can get pretty large, but they can be shared easily using Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. If the user doesn’t already have a backup strategy in place that includes ProgramData (which they should), then this will also serve as a decent backup (though not perfect, since it does require the user to remember to save a new HT Pack regularly).
Thank you for advice. We will proceed with saving a HT Pack then using that as an upload to the cloud. I was unease about syncing the ProgramData sub-directory as well. Thanks again for the tip.