Deleting questions

How do I delete questions that I doǹt want to keep and doǹt want to archive?

Hi Kathie,

Currently it’s not possible to fully delete questions, and archiving them is (effectively) deleting them. They’re completely hidden from community checkers. Is there a particular reason they need to be more fully deleted than that?


I guess not. Some are not correctly written in MT. Others are duplicated. We want to edit those not done correctly, and delete the duplicates that somehow got in.

Hi Kathie,

It should be possible to edit the questions in Scripture Forge to correct any problems with them. You can also edit them in Trancelerator and re-import. (What you should avoid doing is editing them in Scripture Forge and then re-importing them from Transcelerator, as they’ll be overwritten by whatever is still in Transcelerator).


Thanks for the heads up :blush: Kathie
