Hyphenation in PTXprint

It seems as if hyphenation doesn’t work. I can not discover any hyphen in the pdf-output.
Despite I have approved the hyphenation of all the words in the Wordlist.

Attached an example of Psalm 4, not hyphenated.

Psalm 4 zonder hyphenation 2024-02-23 14h51

Please help me. I am ready to send the bible to the publisher, but first this problem has to be solved.
Thanks a lot on beforehand.
Wim van Duijvenbode, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

I believe that you must turn on hyphenation on the Fonts+Scripts tab. You must also use the import list button to import the data from Paratext. Does it still fail after you do these steps?

Dear Phill1p,

Thank so much, the problem is solved.

With kind regards,
Wim van Duijvenbode
Rotterdam, The Netherlands