Include "search" ability in SAB Windows program

I spend a vast amount of my time working on apps searching around in SAB trying to find where it’s hidden some setting or another.

When I can’t find a setting, I often looking in the “Building apps” pdf. That almost never helps.

Next, I check the forum. That sometimes helps, but far from always.

PTXprint has a search bar in the bottom of the window. When you search, it looks through the interface and then, when you click a result, it moves you to that dialog in the interface. That’s what I’d like to see in SAB.

Just one of the 4 or 5 examples from today.

I knew that the audio bar at the bottom had the ability to change the speed. I did the steps above, and also spent 15 or 20 minutes looking through all the dialogues in SAB trying to find where to turn that off. Eventually I shut down SAB, opened up the .appdef file, and toggled it via the line: