Scripture Memorization Tool

We speak about and have a team dedicated to “Scripture Engagement”.
How could Scripture be more engaging than by memorizing it? "These commandments which
I give you today are to be on your hearts." *Deu 6:6. “Your word I have
hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
Ps 119:11 How can you get it into your heart? Memorize it. There are several apps dedicated to memorizing scripture available on the Play Store, but these only work with majority languages.

An SAB app contains the text, timing data and audio sources which could be used to build a flashcard style scripture memory tool. Users could create “cards” having a verse title or subject on the “front” side and then text and possibly audio on the “back” side. These cards would be cycled through with the App recording success of failure of the memorization process.

Could this be added to SAB? Should it be a separate App which reads scripture and audio from the same source as SAB on the device?