User manual

Dear Friends, Is there a user manual for HearThis? If not could someone answer this question for me? My MTTS have recorded a book in the Bible using hear this within Paratext. How do I access and listen to that recording? Do they need to send the audio file to me using dropbox or can I access and listen to that recording somehow within PTX?

There is not a user manual. There are a couple videos on Vimeo that explain some things, but they are somewhat dated and definitely do not cover everything.
If all you really want/need is full chapters (or books) of completed audio files, then the easiest/best thing would be for your MTTs to open the More menu and Export Sound Files. A dialog box will open where they can choose what to export and what format to use. Then they can email the resulting file(s) to you or share them via a shared drive (Google Drive, DropBox, etc.). There is a video that explains this process.
However, if f you have the Paratext project on your computer and need to be able to use HearThis yourself to navigate segment-by-segment to listen to the recordings while looking at the corresponding text, then you will want your own local copy of the HearThis project files. The easiest way to get them is for the MTTs to create a HearThis Pack (using Save HearThis Pack on the More menu). When they send/share that file with you, you can then open the Paratext project in HearThis on your computer and use Merge HearThis Pack to get all the audio files and accompanying metadata files set up for you to use. If you make subsequent changes, then you can also create a HearThis Pack and send it back to them and they can merge your changes with theirs. (So it’s kind of like Send/Receive but a little clunkier.) I do have an item on my (seemingly unending) to-do list to create a video to explain how to use HearThis Packs, but hopefully this brief explanation will suffice to get you going. If you have further questions, reply and I will try to provide additional help.

There’s also this video which explains HearThis in fairly good detail, except for the most recently added features.