Video Anchor/Display Options

Some people find the videos (size, position, etc.) very distracting when they are trying to just read the text, which is why many people will be using the app.

I know users can turn videos off/on in the settings, but most people will never know to look there, regardless of how we set the default.

  1. First idea is an on screen video icon/button (top tool bar) to show/hide videos, if the videos are added. Something similar to layout book icon, when you have mulitple collections.

  2. Second idea is to add a video settings that could make the video anchors display as a single text line (i.e. Watch Video for Mark1:1-10). It would be easily available and much less distracting.

  3. Third idea (from a coworker) was to be able to put all the videos on a video tab. I tried creating a Video tab but it appears they currently only support local text files.

  4. It would be nice to be able to auto place videos at the end of the verse range.

  5. I found out you can’t have videos hiddden by default. That would be helpful.
