Video option not available in Verse on Image feature if you edit the text

I have been experimenting with the video maker in Verse on Image on my app.
It works fine but if I double-tap on the text to edit it and make any changes, the video option is no longer there, I can only share or save a photo.
Is this deliberate? I can understand why you wouldn’t want to change the text if it is being read out but I was just adding a return:
(The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.)
to make it fit better.
I was planning to make a Psalm 23 video by adding several of these videos together in a separate video maker app. I was also going to remove the references as that would be in the intro to the video.
Has anyone else expereinced this problem? Does anyone know of a solution?

I was able to reproduce the problem, Craig. It is happening when you delete the reference line from the text. Sorry, we will make a note to fix this in a future version.

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Thanks Richard. It happens for me not just when I delete the reference but when I make any change.